Integrated Core Theme: Revolutions: Real, Imagined, and Digital

This ICT explores how revolution is understood in particular times and places, and its roles in the past and present. The world in which we live was created by numerous political, social, cultural, intellectual, and economic upheavals. Iona College itself is directly connected to these trends through its Institute for Thomas Paine Studies (ITPS). We are also witnessing a profound and rapid transformation of information and communications technologies that alter the modes in which we study the humanities. The examination of the ICT theme will be enhanced in the Humanities Centerpiece courses by addressing media and information literacy skills that are an essential component of the digital humanities. For more information about this and other ICTs visit the Iona University website page. For any questions, contact Dr. Nora Slonimsky at

Humanities Centerpiece and Elective Courses:

ENG 454Digital Age Writing, Reading, and Living
HST 316The Age of Revolution and Historical Memory
BIO 115DNA and Biotechnology
BUS 150Introduction to Information Systems
CHM 309Physical Chemistry
CS 321Database Design & Implementation
CS 465Data Mining
EDU 383Instruction and Assessment for Teaching Social Studies to All Children
ENG 405Seventeenth-Century British Literature: The World Turned Upside Down
ENG 430The Romantic Poets: Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Keats, Shelley and Byron
ENT 301Introduction to Ideation and Design Thinking
FPA 213Art History: Renaissance to Modern Art
FPA 226Theatre History: The Renaissance to the Modern Theatre
FPA 246Digital Photography and Imaging Manipulation
HST 310American Colonial History
HST 352Ideologies and Empires in Nineteenth-Century Europe
HST 355The Soviet Experiment and Post-Soviet Successor States
HST 368Conflict in Twentieth-Century Europe
HST 391China: From Confucianism to Communism
HST 396The Emergence of Modern Latin America
MSC 230Digital Literacy and Practice
PHL 309Major Representatives of Modern Philosophy
PHL 314Major Representatives of American Philosophy
PHL 355Thomas Paine and the Revolutionary Tradition
POL 314American Political Thought
POL 315Great Political Thinkers
POL 327Politics and Media
POL 346The Third World: Politics and Development
RST 207Vatican II and Catholic Reform
SOC 301Major Social Thinkers
SOC 322Race and Ethnic Relations

